One of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s first tasks in office was to sign a funding agreement with NSW and Victorian Premiers to fully roll out the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), after successful trials in both states.
Newcastle, Maitland and Lake Macquarie have been a trial site since July 2013, and the wider Hunter and New England regions, southern NSW, the central coast, northern Sydney, southwest Sydney, and western Sydney and Nepean-Blue Mountains will have the NDIS from next July.
The scheme recognises that everyone with a disability has different needs, preferences and aspirations, and provides for individualised, flexible and whole-of-life plans with funding directly to individuals rather than service providers.
But as with all services, there are guidelines, and not everyone who applies for help will be fully successful.
Who is eligible, how do you make a personalised plan, what if you are unhappy with the outcome, and how you can appeal a decision are important questions that are answered in our new free NDIS Information E-book.
This E-book is based on work done by Janine McIlwraith, who co-authored The National Disability Insurance Scheme Handbook, and was a senior lawyer at Catherine Henry Lawyers.
Together with respected health and medical lawyer Catherine Henry and the team at Catherine Henry Lawyers can help you negotiate the NDIS.
Call today if you have a question.
For more information, get a copy of our free e-book by phoning 4929 3995 or emailing