Family law courts have a dedicated court list to triage urgent COVID-19 related family law issues.
What family law matters can be heard urgently under the Court’s COVID-19 list?
Here are some of the issues that family law courts in Australia are prioritising through its special COVID-19 list.
- Family violence and suspension of parenting orders due to a family violence order
- Issues surrounding a dispute about a child being vaccinated against COVID-19
- If parties cannot fulfil parenting obligations due to a party/child/or children testing positive for COVID-19
- Travel arrangements for border restrictions
- Parties requiring alternatives to the usual supervised contact arrangements due to restrictions
- Failure to resume time in accordance with parenting orders or a parenting plan due to COVID-19 restrictions
- If a party is a frontline health worker who is having their parenting arrangements impacted by their employment.
This is an important initiative because we know that rates of family violence have risen during the pandemic. Many people and their children are staying in violent relationships because of a shortage of shelter accommodation and other housing options. Lockdowns are also restricting access to support services.
For more information about co-parenting during COVID-19 read our blog here.
How we can help
If you have an urgent family law matter, please do not hesitate to talk to one of our expert and caring family lawyers about the options available to you. To confidentially discuss your needs call us on 1800 874 949 or fill in the form below, and we will be in touch.
Whether your family law matter is highly complex or more straightforward, our family lawyers can help. Our focus is to bring a family law dispute to an end at the earliest possible time – negotiation and mediation are always considered in every situation.
If you or someone you know, is in danger or at immediate risk of family violence, you should call 000. If you are not in immediate danger but need support regarding family violence, call 1800 RESPECT – 1800 737 732.