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Residential Aged Care Negligence

Many people in aged care facilities or nursing homes have complex health issues – known as comorbidities – and require high level nursing care and medical support. Our health lawyers are running an increasing number of cases for residents or their families for residential aged care negligence.

Many nursing homes do not have adequate qualified medical and nursing staff or staff are overworked.

When medical issues are not identified or treated in a timely manner, avoidable suffering and death can occur. Common examples of residential aged care negligence include:   

You can also lodge a complaint with the national aged care regulator, the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (ACQSC), about residential aged care negligence. You can do this directly or we can help you make a complaint or lodge one on your behalf.

Ph: 1800 951 822
Online complaints form

We're here to help you.

Make an enquiry to find out where you stand.

If you have questions, would like some more information about us or our services or simply want to speak to someone, make an enquiry and a member of our Health & Medical Law team will be in touch with you shortly. 

> what our clients say

“I thank you and your firm for the great work you did on my behalf. I am very satisfied with the results and am now looking forward to getting on with my life...

... thanks for your support and belief in my case and me.”

Residential Aged Care Negligence Resources

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