A time may come when you are unable to make decisions regarding your health care needs. An Advance Healthcare Directive or Advance Care Directive (ACD) lets you record your wishes and give directions about your future health care and treatment should you lose the capacity to do so. It is a tool that will speak for you if you cannot speak for yourself. Your wishes may include whether you do or do not want life sustaining measures.
Why is having and Advance Care Directive important?
If you do not have an ACD and you lose the capacity to make decisions about the health care and treatment you receive, it may become necessary for your guardian or attorney to make decisions on your behalf. This may result in you receiving health care that you would not have chosen to receive.
An Advance Care Directive is the simple way to ensure your wishes are followed in legally binding directions.
Planning ahead
Anyone over the age of 18 can make an ACD, however it is particularly important if:
- you are about to be admitted to hospital
- your medical condition is likely to affect your ability to make decisions; and
- you have a chronic medical condition that could result in serious complications such as diabetes, asthma and heart or kidney disease.
Your ACD will only commence when and if you lose the capacity to make health decisions for yourself.
Getting advice
Our team of Elder Law specialists at Catherine Henry Lawyers can assist you to prepare an ACD which is appropriate for your individual circumstances.
You should discuss your Advance Care Directive with your doctor, lawyer, family and friends.
How to start?
You are welcome to call our Elder Law team on 02 4929 3995 for a confidential chat, or simply complete our online enquiry form.